If you’ve been following the news this week, you’ve surely seen news of David Petraeus’ resignation following news of his affair. What is most incredible about this story is how investigators unearthed the affair using data from email. According to The Atlantic, the discovery was made by accident using "metadata footprints left by emails," most plausibly Gmail.
Over in the UK, the Guardian’s Data Blog showcased the widening income disparity in the country. The visualization shows the percentage difference in income growth between 1986 and 2011. The results are stunning, although not entirely surprising.
One of the more interesting and slightly peculiar stories was over on Mashable, after a reporter tweeted he had been reprimanded by University of Washington athletic department officials for basically live tweeting too often during a basketball game. Sam Laird inquires if live tweeting should be protected under the same rights as TV and radio broadcasts – a seriously interesting proposition, I think.
In acquisition news, global information and measurement company Nielsen bought SocialGuide, a social TV tracker that provides "measurement, analytics and audience engagement solutions," according to Daily Finance. In a press release, the company says it will use this new tool to help TV networks more broadly and deeply understand “the impact of social TV on their programming, ratings and advertising effectiveness.”
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